Thursday, July 3, 2014

Cowboy's And Aliens?? UFO Over Texas has created a buzz.

In Gainesville and Austin, Texas reports of UFO sightings started coming in last week. The witnesses in Gainesville claim they spotted a triangle-shaped object flying over their area while those in Austin reported a square-shaped UFO with four lights up in the sky.
Residents in Gainesville saw the large, triangle-shaped object moving over their neighborhood on Thursday, June 26, at approximately 11 pm. The witnesses claim that the unidentified flying object was flying low over the area at the time of the UFO sighting.

As for the UFO sighting in Austin, one witness recounted spotting the square-shaped object also flying low in the area.
In this UFO sighting, the object had four lights and it sent out a low humming sound. The UFO sighting in Austin, Texas took place on Wednesday, June 25, at around 9:25 pm based on the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The details in the MUFON UFO sighting Case No. 57373 recounts how the unnamed witness spotted the UFO while driving westbound on a street in Austin, Texas. "

The witness added that the unidentified flying object appeared to be approximately 300 feet in altitude and traveling at a speed around 25 mph. Initially, the witness though that the object spotted was a model airplane, a small aircraft or a drone.  

Article is by Jason Mansfield: Anomalous Environmental Studies Analyst™ with Paranormal Studies of Arkansas found at, Voice Over Artist, Film maker at Binary Entertainment, Folklorist, Horror Enthusiast, Writer, Squatchologist™ & Legend Hunter

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