Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Finding Bigfoot and Animal Planet in The Ozarks

Recently we were contacted by production at Animal Planet as the show Finding Bigfoot was going to be here filming in our area.  So we popped on up to Branson, MO to one of the theaters (secret location) and met up with the cast and crew.

We sat in for the Town Hall Meeting, talked with the camera crew and producers.  Did you know for every Minute of film you see on TV they actually record an HOUR?  One hour produces One minute, that is insane.......or so I thought.

We are currently traveling and doing our own Documentary on various WILD topics.... oh so much hits the cutting room floor...... wait we're using digital media... I digress.

We talked with about 100 people after filming and gathered stories for our own projects, while the producers were filtering through the some 16 stories told to them on camera for them to pick 2 to use.  Due to confidentiality agreements I can't discuss what was told their that night until the show actually airs. Projected for sometime in September 2015.

Then we went head to head with the Stars of the Show, quizzing them, getting autographs and they even chatted with our own big guy AskSquatch.  His video is coming soon answering their own questions that only the big guy can do.

Total time on set and with the crew was roughly 6 hours.  I had worked a full day prior and hauled ass to the location so when I got home...... it was morning and I was ready for bed for sure.

So far I've dealt with many networks and shows behind the scenes.  I do believe to date, I enjoyed this one the most.   Down to earth people, and Ranae desperately seeking some GOOD coffee. Matt running all his pens out of ink, Cliff making me feel normal in height, and BoBo definetly making me feel short!

It was a pleasure to say the least and look forward to some future work with these guys.

Ranae, Bobo, Cliff, Matt and the rest of production.  Thank you for a great experience.

Article is by Jason Mansfield: Anomalous Environmental Studies Analyst™ found at, Voice Over Artist, Film Maker/ Prop Designer/ Creative Consultant/ Concept Artist at Binary Entertainment, Folklorist, Horror Enthusiast, Writer, Squatchologist™, Legend Hunter & Oddity Tripper™ #BlogOfOdd #WhatTheFringe #OddityTrippers

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